Well Mother
DAY RETREATs + Packages
Ceremonial Care for Postpartum Wellness
Ceremonial postpartum bodywork is of utmost importance to me, it reflects our ancestral and traditional ways of respecting Mothers and the tremendous work that is Mothering. When we put Physiologic Postpartum Care into practice, we honor mothers as the center of our Universe; for when Women are well cared for, they may well care for their children and their families. When families are well cared for and flourishing, so are our communities.
Postpartum traditions from around the world are essentially the same, because they are rooted in our physiologic and psychologic needs as postpartum women. No matter which lineage we belong to, these needs are the same. Sourced from innate intelligence that unite us all, the only differences of these respective practices, reflect the differences in our land-based environments.
Postpartum Wellness Ceremonies are in alignment and in respect of these core traditions, designed to honor + support the rite of passage Women embark upon through pregnancy + birth.
During pregnancy and birth - our physical bodies and our energy fields expand more than they ever will - to grow and bring forth life. These practices help to integrate recovery, close women up from this great expanse to reaffirm their boundaries and protect their vitality.
Day Retreats
5 Hours of ceremonial care
>> Closing of the Bones <<
>> Herbal Pelvic Steam <<
>> Warm oil massage <<
>> Uterine + Abdominal Tending <<
>> Breast care + Education <<
>> Castor Pack + meditation <<
>> pelvic care + vulva mapping <<
>> cesarean scar remediation <<
>> Nourishing Broth <<
Well Mother Packages
One Ceremony
This session typically occurs around six weeks postpartum, but can be months or years after birth. This session is 5 hours, and unique to your desires and needs.
Three Ceremonies
These sessions typically occur around two, four & six weeks postpartum. Each session is 2-3 hours, and unique to your desires and needs.
Six Ceremonies
These sessions typically occur between two and eight weeks postpartum. Each session is 2-3 hours, and unique to your desires and needs.
Considerations + Information
If you desire to receive a Closing of the Bones ceremony, traditionally this happens about 6-12 weeks postpartum. The first 6-8 weeks after birth are considered a sacred time of rest, replenishment & bonding. After this important threshold, Closing of the Bones ceremonies are held for Women across the world in all traditional cultures.
If your Wellness Retreat does not include a Closing of the Bones ceremony, all other services can be offered as soon after a vaginal birth as you desire.
If you've had a cesarean, you will need to wait about 12 weeks for the incision to heal for all services.
Miscarriage + Abortion are significant rites of passages, that are immensely expansive and likely hold immense grief. All of the services offered, and a Closing of the Bones ceremony, deeply support the integration of the experience, and returning of the body physically and energetically from the passage.
Some of what Closing of the Bones offers to postpartum Mothers/Women is:
This tending helps to facilitate pelvic diaphragm and core connection after birth. This can be done with our hands and/or with a long cloth (like a rebozo, rushnyk, or kourziya), and helps bring the actual muscles and fascia closer together anteriorly on the abdomen—which will then allow for a more effective core and pelvic diaphragm integration.
The pelvis is meant to be closed up after birth (including the bony structure of the pelvis); through an extended resting period, through nutrient-dense foods which facilitate tissue healing, and through hands-on work. Closing of the Bones is one of the ways to facilitate this closing of the pelvis after birth.
Closing of the Bones offers Mothers an amount of time to turn her energy inward; as opposed to the persistent outward energy that is required of early Mothering and caretaking of a newborn baby.
Closing of the Bones is a closing ceremony - for whatever the particular Mother feels she wants to/needs to bring closure to at that time. This small ceremony is an honoring ceremony; honoring the work that this Mother did to grow and birth human life - and her sacrifices (sacrifice meaning: a holy offering) through the work of Mothering. It is a way to honor Mothers as the foundation to humanity's health and as the caretakers of the future generations. This ceremony is a way to honor Women as the center of the Universe.
The pelvis OPENS during birth – to allow for the passage of the baby. Physical Therapist and Founder of the Institute for Birth Healing, Lynn Schulte, says that in her practice serving thousands of postpartum women – the pelvic bones of many women are 'stuck open’ in a birthing position – even when they birthed their last child 20+ years ago.
It is never too late to give our bodies the care they needed then and still require now.
For a five hour session, most all of the offerings can be included but not all unless we add more time.
Below is a recommended sequence for the five hours.
You can design the Retreat or Packages as you desire with the services offered.
A common sequence and ancestral pattern for Day Retreat Ceremony could be:
Opening Intention, Herbal Pelvic Steam with Herbal Foot bath, Uterine + Abdominal Tending, (Break while enjoying a cup of Nourishing Broth), Warm Oil Massage, Castor Pack + Guided Meditation, Closing of the Bones Ceremony, Integration Closing.
You may want to switch out some other offerings that meet your desires or add them in for additional time. Some offerings can happen simultaneously, which we can discuss.
After you contact me, we will set up a call to discuss how your experience will unfold.
A fee of $75 per hour for my travel time will added to the retreat rate, and any additional costs like bridge tolls or parking if required.

Designed to your hearts desire
Postpartum Wellness Retreats and Packages can take place at my home studio or within your own home for a travel fee (depending on your location)
Please fill out this form below, and I’ll follow up to schedule a call to discuss what you’ve initiated.