Access to safe, holistic, and ceremonial wellness care is vital for our collective well being.

I offer three sliding scale slots per month for my services with this prayer in mind.

A sliding scale is a tool that allows for a service to be obtained at a lower tier based on the circumstances of an individual. I offer this from a commitment to serving my community as a whole, creating a bridge to support those who greatly benefit from a sliding scale to afford my services.

For a sliding scale to work it relies on the principles of truthfulness, respect for complexity, and accountability. I am trusting you to put aside any compulsion to get a “deal”, to respectfully value what I have to offer, to be honest and authentically assess your ability to invest in this care.

Bodywork is an investment in your health.

Honoring bodywork as an investment in your health is an important perspective to have if you have a hard time justifying the cost.

If paying for a service would be difficult, but not detrimental, it is a sacrifice. Consider cutting back on other spending in your life, this is a sacred sacrifice so that you may pursue essential bodywork that you are needing. Reallocating what you choose to invest in.

If paying for a service would lead to significant impact on your life, such as not being able to put food on the table, pay rent, or pay for your transportation to get to work, then you are dealing with hardship. Anyone coming from a space of hardship qualifies for support from my sliding scale.

Please contact me directly if you are needing financial support.